
  • Karimbaeva Mavluda Senior lecturer Andijan State University, Uzbekistan


information literacy, dictionary skills, electronic dictionary, online dictionary, reference skills, internet skills, digital literacy,


Two elements are necessary for successful dictionary use: competent dictionary users and excellent, user-friendly dictionaries. Making better dictionaries is the main focus of current lexicography research, with new opportunities provided by the electronic media. On the other hand, not as much focus is placed on the other component, which is user education. This article examines dictionary reference abilities to see how they should change from traditional print dictionary skills to enable users to make the most of electronic dictionaries, especially those that are available online.

The most notable feature of electronic dictionaries is their innovative approaches to lexicographic data access. The necessary abilities are found by looking through some pertinent books on electronic dictionary search strategies as well as some research on web search skills.


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How to Cite

Karimbaeva Mavluda. (2024). GAINING SKILLS FOR USING ONLINE DICTIONARIES. IMRAS, 7(3), 59–65. Retrieved from


