
  • Ismoilova Dildora Urgench branch of TMA, Republican Scientific Center of Immunology MH RUz, 2-TMA.
  • Musokhodjaeva Dilorom Urgench branch of TMA, Republican Scientific Center of Immunology MH RUz, 2-TMA.
  • Magzumova Nargiza. Urgench branch of TMA, Republican Scientific Center of Immunology MH RUz, 2-TMA.


genital external and internal endometriosis, immune status, phagocytosis, cytokines.


56 patients with genital endometriosis were examined. Of these, 26 had internal endometriosis, and 30 had external genital endometriosis. 18 practically healthy women made up a control group. All examined women were examined the state of the immune system (cellular immunity, phagocytosis and cytokine status). It was found that in patients with endometriosis, the level of T-lymphocytes and its subpopulation composition were reduced, and the level of killer activity varied in different ways depending on the form of genital endometriosis. Functional activity of neutrophils changed only in the group of women with EGE.


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How to Cite

Ismoilova Dildora, Musokhodjaeva Dilorom, & Magzumova Nargiza. (2024). DIFFERENCIAL IMMUNOKORRECTION IN WOMEN WITH GENITAL ENDOMETRIOSIS. IMRAS, 7(6), 440–445. Retrieved from https://journal.imras.org/index.php/sps/article/view/1574


