
  • G.Kh. Gulyaeva PhD, docent, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


knitting, fabric, loop, structure, compression deformations, deformation characteristics, elasticity, stiffness, shrinkage, coefficient of elastic-elastic properties.


The article presents the results of a study of the mechanism for changing the shape of knitwear caused by tensile, bending, compression deformations, as well as friction when clothing parts come into contact with other surfaces. In this case, the process is considered as a complex deformed state, i.e. simultaneous action of several types of deformations. It was established that in order to more deeply study and substantiate an objective assessment of the shape stability of knitted fabrics and products made from them, it is necessary to introduce a knitwear parameter into the calculation model for assessing shape stability, which will allow a comparative analysis of the shape stability of various knitted fabrics and, on its basis, to predict this most important performance property of products.


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How to Cite

G.Kh. Gulyaeva. (2024). DIMENSIONAL STABILITY OF KNITTWEAR. IMRAS, 7(9), 72–79. Retrieved from https://journal.imras.org/index.php/sps/article/view/1758


