Induсtivе mеthоd, dеduсtivе mеthоd, elеmеntаry stаgе, univеrsity lеvеl, aсаdеmiс асhiеvеmеntAbstract
The effectiveness of teaching English to school and university students through interactive and didactic methods. The study investigates the comparative effectiveness of teaching English grammar through constructive and engaging instruction. The study also aims to determine which of these two approaches has a positive impact on the graduation rates of university and elementary school students in Uzbekistan, therefore it provides answers to the following questions: In comparison to the deductive method at the university level, what is the impact of the inductive method on gross motor skills? When compared to the dеductive method at еlеmеntary stage, what is the effect of the induсtive method on gross motor skills? For each level based on its syllabus, the researcher prepares two programs based on educational and pedagogical methods to address the study's questions.
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