experiences of grade school mathematics teachers, challenges of grade school Mathematics teachers, online classes, TPACKAbstract
This study sought to describe the experiences and challenges of grade school mathematics teachers through the lens of TPACK. This study utilized a qualitative phenomenological design to discover how the participants made meaning from their experiences and challenges during online classes. Ten private elementary school teachers at a university were selected as participants. The results revealed seven themes for the experiences of grade school mathematics teachers during online classes.
These themes are 1) digital drills in developing mastery in mathematics, 2) subject integration for meaningful learning of mathematics, 3) applying real-life contexts in problem-solving,4) considerations in choosing interactive sites to teach and assess mathematical skills,5) instructional management skills of the teacher,6) administrative support,7) teachers’ attitude towards the paradigm shift. Meanwhile, future researchers should also consider more respondents and a longer duration of doing this kind of research to unveil theexperiences of grade school Mathematics teachers in online classes.
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