Journal Systems<p><strong>International Multidisciplinary Research in Academic Science </strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"><strong>(IMRAS) </strong>is a monthly peer reviewed international journal. The international interdisciplinary journal publishes the articles in various disciplines. We invite authors to submit the original research papers for the current issue of our journal. </span></p> OF ANXIETY-PHOBIC DISORDERS2025-01-10T20:21:49-07:00Akramov G‘ayratjon Soyibjon o‘g‘<p><em>This article provides an overview of the typology of anxiety-phobic disorders, exploring the various subtypes that fall under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. The article categorizes the disorders based on their specific features and symptoms, discussing generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, phobias (specific phobias, social anxiety disorder, and agoraphobia), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), separation anxiety disorder, and selective mutism. Each disorder is defined with an emphasis on their diagnostic criteria, symptomatology, and impact on the affected individual’s daily functioning. The article also highlights the importance of early intervention and treatment, which typically involves psychotherapy and medication, in improving the quality of life for those affected by these conditions.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025“AXBOROT TEXNOLOGIYALARINING TA'LIM JARAYONIDA QO'LLANILISHI, O'QUVCHILAR VA O'QITUVCHILAR UCHUN YANGI IMKONIYATLAR YARATISH”2025-01-10T20:24:19-07:00Xoshimova Iroda<p><em>Ushubu maqolada ta’lim tizimida,hususan o’quv jarayonlarida axborot texnologyalari va ularning ahamiyati haqida muallifning mulohazalari keltirilgan. Bunda tashqari ilmiy manbalarga tayangan holda keng tahlillar olib borilgan. Axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalarning yangiligi va o‘ziga xosligi insoniyat rivojlanishi nuqtai nazaridan ular deyarli insoniyat faoliyati barcha sohalariga kirib borishi, ulardan cheklanmagan joylar va maqsadlarda foydalanish mumkinligidan iborat. Shu kabi axborotkommunikasiya texnologiyalari uch yo‘nalishda ilgari bo‘lmagan juda katta samara bilan insoniyat rivojlanishi jarayonidagi to‘siqlarni yengib o‘tish imkon berishi xaqida ma’lumot berilgan.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025ИНТЕРАКТИВНЫЕ МЕТОДЫ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ИЗНОСОСТОЙКОСТИ ЛЕЗВИЙ РЕЖУЩИХ ИНСТРУМЕНТОВ2025-01-11T10:54:01-07:00Шарипов Жамшид Оinfo.bestpublication@mail.ruТураходжаев Нодир Джinfo.bestpublication@mail.ruБакоева Шахноза Н<p><em>В статье рассмотрены особенности структуры приповерхностного слоя быстрорежущей стали Р9, модифицированной азотированием, легированием поверхности низкоэнергетическим сильноточным электронным пучком, и ее влияние на износостойкость инструмента при сухой резке труднообрабатываемого хрома и его</em><em> сплавов. </em><em>Одним из перспективных направлений упрочнения инструмента из быстрорежущей стали является создание на их поверхности слоистых структур с градиентом физико-химических свойств между износостойкими покрытиями и основным материалом. </em><em>Среди методов такой модификации поверхности имеет место особый процесс, основанный на использовании импульсных пучков заряженных частиц высокой интенсивности. Обработка проводилась которая представляет собой комбинацию источника низкоэнергетических сильноточных электронных пучков </em><em>“</em><em>РИТМ</em><em>”</em><em> и двух систем магнетронного напыления на одной вакуумной камере. Преимущество этого устройства в том, что оно покрывает элементы Nb и Hf на поверхности режущего инструмента, нагревается до 10<sup>6</sup> град/с за 5 мкс, в результате чего два элемента диффундируют внутрь режущего инструмента. На основу усиленных режущих инструментов нанесено покрытие PLATIT π311 (TiAl)N. В результате устойчивость режущего инструмента повысилась в 3-4 раза. Исследование проведено на Навоийском машиностроительном заводе и сделаны выводы.</em></p>2025-01-11T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 OF KINDNESS IN UZBEK LANGUAGE2025-01-11T11:14:52-07:00Khidirova<p><em>What is kindness in understanding society? This is a person's desire to help, but not expecting or asking for anything in return. But this is certainly not a complete description. Kindness is a very high and powerful feeling, about which thousands of books have been written and hundreds of films have been made. In all fairy tales, legends and epics, good wins over evil. It is the basis of all religions. But for some reason it is decreasing in the world... New ideal and outlook, new time. Now kindness is not a profitable investment at all: neither publicity, nor popularity, nor money. How can you bring this quality back into people's lives and be kind yourself? This article is about this topic.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 URBAN LOGISTIC OPERATIONS TO ELECTRIC VEHICLES: ADVANTAGES AND CHALLENGES2025-01-17T01:23:24-07:00Feruza Kamolovna Saidovasaydaliyevichsaidakbar2004@gmail.comAzizbek To'lqinovich<p><em>This article examines the transition of urban logistic operations to electric vehicles (EVs), focusing on their advantages and challenges. The study highlights the potential of EVs to reduce environmental damage, optimize costs, and foster technological advancements in logistics. It also addresses key challenges, such as infrastructure deficiencies, technological adaptation issues, and high initial costs. Recommendations for successful implementation and international examples of EV integration in urban logistics are provided, making this article a valuable resource for understanding the future of sustainable urban transportation.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 AND SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT TOWARDS ACHIEVING A DIGITAL ECONOMY: THE CASE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KARAKALPAKSTAN2025-01-17T01:25:25-07:00Abdimuratova Altingul<p><em>This article analyzes the infrastructure and scientific development necessary to achieve a digital economy in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. It examines key aspects of the region's digital transformation, including the expansion of digital infrastructure, the development of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT), and investments in human capital. The evaluation of economic indicators and key performance indicators (KPIs) highlights the successes and challenges on the path to a digital economy. The article also discusses achievements in improving internet access and mobile connectivity, as well as the creation of research centers supporting innovative startups. The study recommends continuing efforts to increase digital literacy, develop new educational programs, and strengthen the regulatory framework to stimulate the digital economy.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 FOR RESEARCHING SCHOOL STUDENTS' INTEREST IN EXACT, NATURAL AND HUMANITARIAN SCIENCES AROUND THE WORLD2025-01-21T10:59:52-07:00Bekturdiev Aybek Elmuratovichsaydaliyevichsaidakbar2004@gmail.comKojametov Ermuhammed<p><em>this article examines a number of issues that affect the study of interest in exact, natural and humanitarian sciences in secondary schools around the world and provides definitions of the main concepts of the topic. At the same time, it examines the main stages of exact, natural and humanitarian sciences in an educational institution and determines the interest of secondary school students in exact, natural and humanitarian sciences.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 LABOR MARKET AND ITS OPERATIONAL CHALLENGES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY2025-01-21T11:03:37-07:00Mirzayeva Layli<p><em>The rapid development of the digital economy has significantly impacted the modern labor market, leading to structural transformations, new employment trends, and emerging challenges. Automation, artificial intelligence, and the gig economy are reshaping job opportunities, creating a demand for new skills while also increasing concerns about job displacement, digital inequality, and labor rights. This article analyzes the key features of the modern labor market under digitalization, focusing on its advantages, problems, and international experiences. Furthermore, policy recommendations and strategic solutions are provided to ensure a sustainable and inclusive labor market in the digital era.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025ЕFFЕСTIVNЕSS ОF USING INDUСTIVЕ АND DЕDUСTIVЕ АPPRОАСH ОF TЕАСHING ЕNGLISH2025-01-21T11:05:15-07:00Serjanova Aiparsha<p><em>The effectiveness of teaching English to school and university students through interactive and didactic methods. The study investigates the comparative effectiveness of teaching English grammar through constructive and engaging instruction. The study also aims to determine which of these two approaches has a positive impact on the graduation rates of university and elementary school students in Uzbekistan, therefore it provides answers to the following questions: In comparison to the deductive method at the university level, what is the impact of the inductive method on gross motor skills? When compared to the dеductive method at еlеmеntary stage, what is the effect of the induсtive method on gross motor skills? For each level based on its syllabus, the researcher prepares two programs based on educational and pedagogical methods to address the study's questions. </em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 AND STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF LITERARY TEXTS2025-01-21T11:09:40-07:00Muladjanov Shuxrat<p><em>The notion of word and its meaning is paramount importance in stylistics. A word as a language sign represents a concept by its forms and meanings. By concept it represents a general idea of some phenomenon, both objective (existing in the material form) and subjective (including feelings and emotions of people). By form a word shows its relation to other form within a sentence. So, the word meaning always directs the mind to the object and represents its membership in the language system. Word meaning is not a simple but a very complex matter. </em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025’ICH SINF O’QUVCHILARIDA KREATIV QOBILIYATLARNI RIVOJLANTIRISH.2025-01-21T11:13:44-07:00Ahmadjonova Ozoda Alisher<p><em>Ushbu maqolada boshlang’ich ta’lim o’quvchilarida kreativ qobilyatni rivojlantish bo’yicha fikr va mulohazalar keltirilgan.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 MATEMATIK TUSHUNCHALARNI RIVOJLANTIRISHGA QARATILGAN O‘<p><em>Ilk matematik tushunchalarni rivojlantirishga qaratilgan o‘yinlar maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar uchun juda muhimdir, chunki ular matematik bilimlarni o‘rganishadi. Matematik tushunchalarni o‘rgatish jarayonida o‘yinlar bolalar uchun aqliy rivojlanishni qo‘llab-quvvatlaydi, ular yoshiga mos ravishda soddalashtirilgan, qiziqarli va interaktiv tarzda matematik ko‘nikmalarni shakllantirishga yordam beradi. Masalan, raqamlar, shakllar va ranglar kabi asosiy tushunchalar bolalarga o‘yin orqali tanishtiriladi, bu ularning matematik bilimlarni qabul qilish va eslab qolishni osonlashtiradi. Ushbu maqolada o‘yinlar bolalar uchun matematik faoliyatlarni qiziqarli qilish orqali ularning motivatsiyasini oshirish yo‘llari haqida bayon qilingan.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 MOTIVATSIYA SHAKLLANISHINING PSIXOLOGIK XUSUSIYATLARI2025-01-22T01:40:41-07:00Yulchiboyeva Nazokatxon Iqboljon<p><em>Maqolaning asosiy g‘oyasi shaxsda ,a’lum bir kasb sohasida muvaffaqiyatga erishishda kasbiy motivatsiyani shakllantirishning dolzarb muammo ekanligiga qaratilgan. Kasbiy motivatsiyani shakllanishida motiv va yosh davrlarining ahamiyati ilmiy jihatdan asoslangan. Kasbiy motivatsiyani shakllanishida har bir shaxsning individual xususiyatlarini hisobga olish muhimligi xususida ham so‘z yuritiladi</em>.</p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025’T MINERALI ASOSIDA KOMPOZITSION MATERIALLARNING FIZIK XUSUSIYATLARINI OʻRGANISH2025-01-22T09:57:54-07:00Soatov Nodir Tojiyevichsaydaliyevichsaidakbar2004@gmail.comKosimov Asror<p><em>Bazalt tolalari asosida to‘ldirilgan</em> <em>kompozitsion materiallar olish uchun tetraetoksisilan bilan qayta ishlangan diametri 6 dan 13 mkmgacha, uzunligi 140 mkm bo‘lgan bazalt tolalaridan foydalanildi.Tetraetoksisilanni appret sifatida qo‘llanilganda polimer matritsiasi va tolali to‘ldiruvchilarning adgeziya xususiyati oshishiga erishildi </em><em>hamda o‘rganilib, muhokama qilindi.</em> <em>Shu bilan birgalik polimer </em><em>materiallarga to‘ldiruvchi sifatida</em> <em>poliamid</em><em> ishlat</em><em>ib o’rganildi.</em> <em>Olingan kompozitsion materiallarning fizik-mexanik xossalarini taqqoslandi. </em><em>Bazalt tolalari bilan to‘ldirilgan poliamidda dastlabki to‘ldirilmagan poliamidga nisbatan yonish vaqti ikki</em><em> martaga ortgan.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 TIP KOEFFITSIENTLI DIFFERENSIAL TENGLAMALAR2025-01-22T10:01:19-07:00Abdusalomov Sherzodjon Inomjon o’g’lisaydaliyevichsaidakbar2004@gmail.comSobirjonov Behzod Qahramon o’g’<p><em>Jahon miqyosida olib borilayotgan ko‘plab ilmiy-amaliy tadqiqotlar natijasida vujudga keladigan muammolarning yechimlari integral va differensial tenglamalarga keltiriladi. Ushbu maqolada bugungi kunda, kubatur, kvadratur </em><strong> </strong><em>formulalarni qurish va ularni tatbiq etish bo‘yicha bir qator, jumladan: differensiallanuvchi funksiyalarning Gilbert fazolarida kvadratur, kubatur formulalarning xatolik funksionallari ekstremal funksiyalarini topish.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025