IMRAS <p><strong>International Multidisciplinary Research in Academic Science </strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"><strong>(IMRAS) </strong>is a monthly peer reviewed international journal. The international interdisciplinary journal publishes the articles in various disciplines. We invite authors to submit the original research papers for the current issue of our journal. </span></p> en-US IMRAS 2654-8259 THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES WAYS OF SILK INDUSTRY OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN <p><em>Economic potentials of Sericulture and its popularity are reflected by the fact that it is no longer limited to the traditional areas of sericulture. Sericulture provides much needed employment, income and foreign exchange in developing and labour rich countries, especially Uzbekistan. Knowing these things, current article was stated to highlight the growth and instability in silk production in Uzbekistan. Studied geographic export map in raw silk in the world. When Uzbekistan had become the independence, silk industry carried out structural reforms that aimed further deepening economic reforms in this the field. Therefore, creating favorable conditions for attracting foreign investment in silk industry, to modernize and create new fabrics, increase the volume and expand the range of finished products that are competitive in the world the market.</em></p> Khojimatov Ravshanbek Rasuljonovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 1 8 THE IMPROVEMENT OF CLUSTER SYSTEM IN SERICULTURE IN UZBEKISTAN <p><em>The article is stated the implementation of comprehensive investment projects for development of silk industry in our country. Therefore, studied conception of «cluster», </em><em>and its essential features. In addition, analyzed international experience of countries that have created clustering from various industries</em><em>. </em><em>Considered questions improvement of cluster system in sericulture and methods of ensuring necessary conditions.</em></p> Khojimatov Ravshanbek Rasuljonovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 9 16 THE USE OF DIGITAL PLATFORMS AND SIMULATORS FOR TEACHING PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION IN RUSSIAN IN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIES <p><em>The</em><em> article discusses the use of digital platforms and simulators for teaching professional communication in Russian in non-linguistic universities. Modern educational technologies, such as Moodle, Zoom platforms and specialized simulators, provide ample opportunities for the formation of professional and communicative competence of students in technical, medical and other fields. The authors focus on the integration of digital resources into the educational process, which helps to increase the motivation of students, develop their independence, self-control and skills of effective business communication. A special place is occupied by the description of the methodology for the development of professional courses, including audio and video materials, interactive tasks and simulators of real professional situations. The results of the study confirm that the use of digital technologies allows you to structure the learning process, automate the control of learning, improve listening, writing and speaking skills, as well as increase student engagement. Simulators of professional situations provide simulation of the real communication environment, which makes training practice-oriented and more effective. The article emphasizes the importance of a well-planned training program that combines digital technologies and methodological guidance from a teacher. This approach ensures the comprehensive development of language and professional skills necessary for a successful student career. The conclusion is made about the need for further development and implementation of digital platforms in the educational environment to improve the quality of teaching Russian as a foreign language. </em></p> Мусаджанова Гулчехра Абдуманаповна Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 17 25 BASICS OF INFORMATION SECURITY <p><em>Information security is a crucial aspect of modern digital infrastructure. This paper explores the fundamental principles of information security, its importance, key threats, and best practices for securing digital assets. It provides a thorough analysis of current security challenges and presents statistical data to illustrate trends in cybersecurity. The study concludes with recommendations for enhancing security measures.</em></p> Erdashov Alimjan Baxramovich Paraxatov Qanat Sagindikovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 26 30 ПЕРВЫЕ ШАГИ ОБУЧЕНИЯ ЭСТРАДНО-ДЖАЗОВОМУ ИСКУССТВУ В УЗБЕКИСТАНЕ <p><em>У истоков стояли, заведующий цирковым отделением Николай Иванович Локиза, композиторы Владимир Ефимович Мелов, Евгений Петрович Живаев. С 1984 года начали преподавать на инструментальном отделе композитор Валерий Ибрагимович Сапаров, где преподавал по классу фортепиано и ансамбля, по классу гитары Юрий Середа, по классу ударных инструментов Иван Димов, по классу кларнета и саксофона Юрий Исаков, а с 1998 года продолжили преподавать класс кларнета и саксофона молодые педагоги Арсен Назарьян, Руслан Чир-Чир. Композитор и пианист Валерий Сапаров писал и аранжирововал произведения для эстрадных ансамблей, исполнения которых имели успех на концертах в колледже и за его пределами.</em></p> Назарьян Арсен Ашотович Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 31 34 FORMING PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE IN DEVELOPING COGNITIVE ABILITIES OF FUTURE EDUCATORS <p><em>In the article&nbsp; In recent years, fundamental reforms have been carried out in the education system of our country. The prospects and future of our country are determined by personnel. The issues of training personnel who think in a new way and are capable of bringing innovation are one of the directions of the Action Strategy for the development of our country. In the international research conducted by the world's leading higher educational institutions and scientific centers on the implementation of modern education of future specialists, special attention is paid to the criteria for the formation of professional competence in the development of cognitive abilities of future educators, the introduction of the requirements of international educational standards is spoken.</em></p> Bazarbayeva Ayjamal Kdirbaevna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 35 38 POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME IN CHILDBEARING WOMEN IN ANDIJAN: A CLINICAL, BIOCHEMICAL, AND HORMONAL ASSESSMENT <p><em>Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a multifaceted endocrine disorder affecting women of childbearing age, with implications for reproductive, metabolic, and psychological health. This study assesses childbearing women's clinical, biochemical, and hormonal profiles in Andijan, Uzbekistan. 200 women were randomly selected from the population for clinical evaluation, biochemical testing, and hormonal assays. Key findings include a high prevalence of insulin resistance, hyperandrogenism, and abnormal luteinizing hormone (LH) to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ratios. These results highlight the need for region-specific healthcare interventions to address PCOS effectively.</em></p> Kholmatova Gulhayo Azimovna Razakova Shokhsanam Tulkinovna Ibragimova Dilhumor Dilshodbekovna Khafizova Rufina Radikovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 39 42 TITLE: THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON EDUCATION <p><em>The COVID-19 pandemic drastically transformed the global education landscape, affecting students, teachers, and institutions at all levels. This research paper explores the immediate challenges faced by educational systems worldwide, the adaptations that emerged in response to the crisis, and the long-term implications for education in a post-pandemic world. The study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, incorporating quantitative data analysis and qualitative interviews with educators and policymakers. Findings suggest that while remote learning solutions mitigated some disruptions, they also exacerbated existing inequalities, necessitating systemic reforms to ensure equitable access to quality education in the future.</em></p> Erali Ruziev Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 43 45 JINOYATLARNI BARVAQT OLDINI OLISHDA ILG’OR XORIJIY TAJRIBALARNI AMALIYOTGA JORIY ETISHNI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH <p><em>Ushbu maqolada jinoyatlarni barvaqt oldini olish hamda ushbu jarayonda ilg’or xorijiy tajribalardan foydalanish chora tadbirlari haqida so’z boradi.</em></p> Adizov Vohidjon Valiyevich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 46 49 THE HOLY QURAN: SEMANTIC ESSENCE AND THE INTERPRETATION <p><em>In the current article,</em> <em>researches proposed clarification of semantic essence and the interpretation of the Holy Quran on the examples of its English alternatives comprising </em><em>differences between translation </em><em>and </em><em>taw</em><em>ee</em><em>l</em><em> (allegorical interpretation) and </em><em>taf</em><em>seer</em> <em>(commentary/exegesis) which are </em><em>used to express the meanings of the Holy Qur'an in different languages</em><em>. Furthermore, the researchers also provide categorical classification of </em><em>English translations of the Holy Qur'an </em><em>based on their</em><em> linguistic and </em><em>theological</em><em> characteristics.</em></p> Jafar Muhammadiyevich Kholmuminov Shamsiddin Yodgorov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 50 59 ABDULLA QODIRIY HAYOTI: MILLIY UYG’ONISH YO’LIDAGI FIDOYILIK <p><em>Abdulla Qodiriy o‘zbek milliy adabiyoti va ma’naviy uyg‘onish harakatining asoschilaridan biri sifatida nafaqat yozuvchi, balki o‘z xalqining ravnaqi yo‘lida fidokorona xizmat qilgan ziyoli sifatida ham tarixda o‘chmas iz qoldirgan. Uning hayoti o‘zbek xalqining mustamlaka asoratidan chiqishga bo‘lgan intilishi, milliy o‘zlik va adabiy erkinlik yo‘lidagi kurash bilan chambarchas bog‘liq. Ushbu maqolada Qodiriyning bolaligi, ta’lim olgan davri, ijodiy faoliyati, jadidchilik harakatidagi ishtiroki va qatag‘on qurboni sifatidagi og‘ir taqdiri keng yoritiladi.</em></p> <p><em>Qodiriy hayoti millatning uyg‘onish davri bilan uzviy bog‘liq bo‘lib, u jadidlar safida turib xalqni ilmlilik, taraqqiyot va milliy uyg‘onishga chorlagan. Uning asarlari milliy ruhni uyg‘otish, tarixiy xotirani tiklash va jamiyatni adolatga yetaklash g‘oyalariga asoslangan. “O‘tkan kunlar” va “Mehrobdan chayon” romanlari nafaqat badiiy yuksaklik, balki tarixiy saboqlari bilan ham muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Ushbu maqolada yozuvchining ijodiy merosi, uning asarlarida milliy o‘zlik va ijtimoiy haqiqatning aks etishi, shuningdek, uning qatag‘on davridagi fojiali qismati tahlil qilinadi.</em></p> <p><em>Qodiriy hayoti va ijodi yoshlar tarbiyasida muhim o‘rin tutib, ularga milliy o‘zlikni anglash, vatanparvarlik va adolat yo‘lida kurashish kabi tamoyillarni singdiradi. Uning shaxsiy hayoti va ijodi fidoyilik, xalq manfaati yo‘lida o‘zini qurbon qilish namunasi bo‘lib, bugungi kunda ham dolzarb bo‘lib qolmoqda. Ushbu maqola orqali Qodiriyning milliy uyg‘onish yo‘lidagi xizmatlari va uning zamonaviy yosh avlod uchun ahamiyati chuqur tahlil qilinadi.</em></p> Xabibullayeva Munavvarxon Lochinbek qizi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 60 64 GEOGRAFIK TURIZM VA UNING IQTISODIY AHAMIYATI <p><em>Geografik turizm – bu sayohatning ma'lum bir hududda joylashgan tabiiy, madaniy, tarixiy va ijtimoiy resurslarni o‘rganishga qaratilgan turizm shakli bo‘lib, u sayohatchilarga o‘ziga xos tajribalarni taqdim etadi. Ushbu maqolada geografik turizmning asosiy xususiyatlari, uning global va mintaqaviy darajadagi rivojlanish tendensiyalari, hamda iqtisodiy ahamiyati o‘rganiladi. Maqolada geografik turizmning iqtisodiyotdagi roli, milliy va hududiy iqtisodiyotga ta'siri, yangi ish o‘rinlari yaratish va mahalliy sanoatlarni rivojlantirishdagi o‘rni ko‘rsatiladi. Shuningdek, ekologik barqarorlik, infratuzilma va turistik soha rivojlanishidagi muhim jihatlar ham tahlil etiladi. Maqola geografik turizmning iqtisodiy o‘sishdagi o‘rni va istiqbollarini tushunishga yordam beradi.</em></p> Egamov Odil Mirzamurod o‘g‘li Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 65 70 ХРОНИЧЕСКАЯ ОБСТРУКТИВНАЯ БОЛЕЗНЬ КАК ФАКТОР РИСКА ДЛЯ БОЛЬНЫХ С НАРУШЕНИЯМИ РИТМА <p>Проблема коморбидности стала одной из основных в настоящее время. Коморбидность оказывает негативное влияние на течение заболеваний, существенно увеличивая вероятность летального исхода. Одной из наиболее часто встречающихся коморбидностей является сочетание обструктивных заболеваний органов дыхания и заболеваний сердечно-сосудистой системы. К числу наиболее важных причин, приводящих к развитию аритмий при ХОБЛ, относят нарушение легочной вентиляции с гипоксемией, нарушениями кислотно-щелочного и электролитного балансов и легочную гипертензию.</p> Мусаева Л.Ж Мирахмедова К.Г Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 71 75 ATHEROSCLEROSIS: PATHOGENESIS, DIAGNOSIS, AND MANAGEMENT <p><em>Atherosclerosis is a chronic, progressive disease characterized by the accumulation of lipids, inflammatory cells, and fibrous elements in the arterial walls, leading to plaque formation and vascular narrowing. It is the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including heart attacks and strokes. This article explores the pathophysiology, risk factors, diagnostic methods, and management strategies for atherosclerosis, emphasizing the importance of early detection and intervention.</em></p> Nurmetov Xabibullo To'lqinovich Mahkamova Mohbegim Aziz qizi To'xtaxo'jayev Narzulloxo'ja Raxmatullo o'g'li Rahmatullayeva Sabrina Kamolovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 8 2 76 79